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Saturday, June 11, 2005
A Matter of Principle
Read in the NST (3 June 2005) that a police chief quits over allegations of drunkenness and sexual harassment during a national conference for chief constables. Tom Lloyd admitted that a 'moment of foolishness' raised questions about his leadership and he felt honour-bound to step down before endangering the reputation of the constabulary. He went on to say thet, 'I deeply regret that a moment of foolishness may have caused some to question my integrity.' (all these are as reported in the newspaper). Well, Mr. Lloyd, I salute you for upholding your principle. Rest well, sleep well and on a full pension too. We have never met and never will, that is for sure, but then again that is not the point. What are we without principles. Any religion is based on principles. In Islam we have the Five Pillars and we have heard of the Ten Commandments and so on. Wouldn't the world be a better place if we hang on to our principles.

Rules that we make are based on principles, principles of fairness and appropriateness. Once a guiding principle is establish and everyone is subjected to the same condition, it would be very unwise to monkey with it unnecessarily. It will create discrepancies .. and once you break the rule, you can chuck your principle out of the window, because you have none anymore. There is no way you are going to uphold it again, once you have broken it. Once you break it, then you will have different rules for different people. Great stuff this PRINCIPLE. For those of you who uphold good principles, I salute you, hang on to it, there is a value to it.

Then, in The Star (4 June 2005), the headlines read, QUIT IF GUILTY. By Golly, what a coincidence .. this time it was the Deputy Prime Minister stating that UMNO leaders found guilty of money politics will have to quit not just the party post, but also the Government position they hold. He also commended the move by a State Executive Councillor to resign after his appeal against a guilty of money politics verdict was rejected. Let us hope we see more accountabilty by ALL, all the way .... It is quite obvious that we are not just talking about money politics, but any kind of misappropriateness in conduct and incompetency. Can we do this? .. Are we up to this? Can we achieve this? .. Are we principled enough so see our good friend or relative in that position step down? Are we willing to see a loved one lose a job based on a principle? What if we are the ones in the position to execute such an order?

IT IS TOUGH!! In the past, people have paid with their life upholding a principle. In the early days of Islam too if we remember, the believers were tortured and killed bsed on the principle of one God. Teach our children good principles and to uphold them. Put a premium value on principles ... aiya, tak tau lah ...

posted by Rozhan @ 6/11/2005 08:01:00 PM  
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