We read lately, and then denied and then more news about the Holy Quran being desecrated in the prison where the POW are interned. Sigh ... come on people, what is new. Since the time of the crusade and even before that this insidious effect towards Islam, the muslims, the women and the Holy Quran has been experienced worldwide. NOTHING will make them change their mind and the way they behave. HIDAYAH come from Allah, and nowhere else. Even the Prophet (pbuh) could not change anyone and even he can only make doa'.
Even during the time of the Prophet Ibrahim a.s., the people refused to budge with their beliefs. Remember when he destroyed the idols surrounding the Kaabah and then placed the axe in the 'hands' of the biggest of the idols there. When accussed of destroying their 'Gods', he simply said, it wasn't me, ask the big one with the axe in the hand. They knew it in their hearts that the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) a.s was right .. those stone figures they worship can't speak or move. .. but they were too arrogant to admit it - but if there is no light in the heart, there is no light in the heart!! Hmm ....
So America will be America .. whatever right or wrong that they do, who can say anything? BUT the sad part of it is, WE still need them, we call them, we look up to their achievements, some countries wait for them to solve their problem, 'muslim countries' collaborate with them, need their money and aid. We are powerless to witness the muslim prisoners being humiliated and tortured, including the women. Even if they are not muslims, the acts are beyond human decency. Would you like the same thing to happen to you? I can only make doa for the well being of muslims worldwide, for I have to answer in the grave that fellow muslims are my brothers (and sisters).
But America is not the point of contention here... coming closer to home, we also have the Malaysian-American (the America in the Malaysian) ... people who, inspite of wrong doings, get away with it. Ironically, they also get to go higher and higher. Small fries like us are like the cuucmber and they are like the durian. They hit, we get hurt. We hit, we still get hurt. Some will even go further by saying, 'You don't know who you are dealing with!!' Whoa .. such arrogance .. but they also know that in spite of doing what they do, nothing will happen to them. Maybe they know someone's dark secrets, maybe they are so good at their work that they can get away with murder (not literally .. ) . Is anyone that indispensable, or do we have this laissez-faire attitude towards things, as long as we are not at the receiving end ... but for muslims, please remember - there is always the hereafter - let's see how BIG you are then !!
Can anyone relate to this. Of course I have lots of stories that can relate to this, but I am just highlighting this principle that I myself ponder and the concept is a worldwide phenomenon, even among us as parents, superiors, heads of departments, professors and so on. Aiyaa .. tak tau lah ... (Translated in English: (Sigh) Oh .. I don't know ...)
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