How time flies. Drove down to Kuala Lumpur on Thursday evening and was back in Penang by Sunday noon. While in KL, the kids met up with their cousins and had a gala time including a trip to the cinema to catch Madagascar. The first phots shows my third daughter Lina, and my only son, Muhammad Syafiq. The second photo (from left) shows my first daughter Iman, and my fourth (and last child) daughter Nurul. Was not able to get to a good network terminal so I could not post anything in the time that I was in Bukit Jelutong.

You may wonder about the title, secret recipe. Well, I'm going to share with you a kind of family sandwhich spread, very easy to make, very nutrituous and can keep for about two weeks in the chiller. Good for spreading on (brown) bread, crackers and between toast. You can take your sandwhich to the office and the children can take them to school. Also very useful for bachelors. You will need;
1 egg - hard boiled and grated 1 medium size potato - boiled and grated 1 chicken breast (without skin) - boiled and shred finely 1 medium size gherkin - wash, squeeze water out and and chopped finely Half cup fresh peas - sold in frozen form in the supermarket - thaw it first - skin on or off - up to you 3 tabespoon mayonnaise (low fat or full fat - that's up to you) 1 teaspoon black pepper - coarse - not the powdery type NO SALT IS NEEDED
Mix everything with fork in a bowl. Check for consistancy. You may want to add a bit more of the mayo.
It can keep in the chiller for up to two week provided you don't scoop it out with your finger!! Sedaaaap .. Oishiii ... If you have tried it, let me know.
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