| NST- 17 June, 2005- Front Page. I simply could not resist uploading this. I am still laughing. Can you look at her face. It is so, it is so ORIGINAL (laugh again), this is definitely a masterpiece, definitely. I mean just look at the face, utterly p***ed off. What brought this about?? Nothing much more than the Kuala Kangsar Municipal Council budget request under the Ninth Malaysia Plan. | Total Budget requested: RM118 million, out of which the allocation are, for;
Schools: RM7 million Socio-Economic purposes: RM7.6 million City Services: RM13.5 million Infrastructure Development: RM32 million Landscaping & Beautification: RM51.5 million Poverty Eradication: RM1.5 million
RM51.5 million for landscaping and RM1.5 million for poverty irradication (as in the papers). Hmmmm .. no wonder she's upset. Aiyaa, tak tau lah ...