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Friday, January 05, 2007
Malaysian Style Forever IV - Bloopers
Hah, bloopers indeed, even the Prime Minister is not spared by the in-grained Malaysian traits .. NST 5 Jan '07 - it was reported that although our current Prime Minister's plans are excellent and practical, he is being let down by poor implementation. This was the view of academicians, political analysts and politicians at the "National Seminar on Abdullah Ahmad Badawi: Three Years in Putrajaya: Tracking the Country’s Future".

Hellooo ... is anybody there?? Is there anything new in the whole charade of Malaysian human nature? Just look at how Malaysians behave at Open Houses .. have you seen them pile up the food at Buffets and the amount left for the garbage bin. Until today we can see (including luxury cars) ash trays being emptied on the road and a piece of tissue or cigarette butt flying out of the car window is considered nothing!! And the queue jumpers, whether on the road on in a line somewhere ... and parking at yellow and double yellow lines .. you can put triple yellow lines and they will still park. Who cares?!!

Let us take a closer look at the 'findings';

  • "There are parties who try to take advantage of the prime minister’s soft and accommodative administration.
  • "They try to manipulate the plans to their own advantage to serve their needs.
  • "They interfere with the time-frame of the implementation of the policies by making their own claims on the government, slowing down or even putting a stop to the implementation."
Come on guys, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to get to this deductions .. Malaysian have always been like that ... don't you think? And do we really need a bunch of academics and analysts to tell us what we already know? They are also the same .. academics may have a PhD (in Malay we say it is Penghasut, Hasad & Dengki) .. but their behaviour is still Malaysian. They say a leopard may change its spots, but it is still a leopard!! Natural Resources and Environment Minister Datuk Azmi Khalid said later it would take time to change the mindset of implementers. Ahah .. we have the solution .. but do we have the means and guts to see it through? If there is one thing is is severely lacking or just something that appear haphazardly is ENFORCEMENT!! We may have fantastic laws and rules and regulations, but without ENFORCEMENT, it will amount to nothing. How many people now drive and while speaking on the handphone?? Have you noticed?? No enforcement!! Without enforcement, we can continue to talk and analyse and the same S*** will continue forever more. If the violators are your own kin, what will you do? Best friend? Rich friends? Aiyyaa ... tak tau lah ..

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posted by Rozhan @ 1/05/2007 04:26:00 PM  
  • At Sun Jan 07, 01:26:00 AM 2007, Blogger Dilip Mutum said…

    I guess it's the curse of Malaysian society. There are a lot of people in the administration (including the UMNO party) trying to sabotage the Prime Minister at every step. I sometimes wonder why Pak Lah can't see that.

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