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Friday, January 05, 2007
Malaysian Style Forever III- Chaos

Chaos as RM200 aid given out - NST Online, 5 Jan '07 - Here we go again ... and this is getting quite ridiculous and alarmng when you suddenly realise that this happens ALL the time .. now it is in Malacca when about 10,000 people (not a small number) from Malacca Tengah district came to collect the RM200 aid per family offered by the government. .. aaaaaand as usual, choas reigned!! Where is the planning (please shout .. ). As early as 8am flood victims began arriving at Dewan Seri Negeri but they had no idea where to go and what to do to get their money.

Can something be done to address this recurring Malaysian trait? This is so, so shameful and does not reflect any discipline at all. Must we be like? Here are the classic moves;
  • "There were no signs telling us where to go or what to do," said 31-year-old Gursatvinder Singh, a flood victim from Taman Merdeka.
  • Simon Anthony decided that the Rela volunteers sent to control the crowds needed a little help. "Abang Rela, dia potong barisan, keluarkan dia...! (Mr Rela, he’s cutting queue, take him out!)," shouted the 36-year-old from Taman Merdeka.
  • "It’s chaos in here ... no one knows where they’re supposed to go and everyone is everywhere. There are no proper lines ... No proper counters, and there are no ushers to help us... that’s why I’m playing usher now."
  • He told the New Straits Times that it took four trips to four locations just to register as a flood victim because his "name did not get keyed into the computer".
  • They said you’re supposed to get RM200 per family, but I see a few families from my neighbourhood getting RM200 per person," said Simon.
  • Sixty-six-year-old Gan Hock Siew from Pantai Peringgit had to stand, supporting himself with his crutches, for almost five hours waiting for his turn to collect the money.
  • "A few people started kicking the doors when they heard an announcement that there was insufficient money for everyone and the officers had to make a trip to the bank to get more cash".
The unruly crowd began to calm down in the afternoon, when a few officers divided the crowd by districts to systematically distribute the aid. Malacca Tengah district Officer Kadir Yaakob, who was at the hall, declined to comment.

I can only come to the conclusion that our administration personnel are hopelessly and totally UNTRAINED in any management skills .. aiyyaa tak tau lah ...
posted by Rozhan @ 1/05/2007 11:35:00 AM  
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