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Monday, November 27, 2006
KRIS .. the REAL Symbol ...
NST (Online) - 27 Nov 2006 - MCA Youth head to meet Hishammuddin over kris issue - Read about the kris brandishing episode at the recently concluded UMNO aasembly. Hmmm ... there are many ways to look at this ... From the NST Online, "MCA Youth chief Datuk Liow Tiong Lai will meet his Umno counterpart to express concern over the latter’s use of the kris during the recent Umno Youth general assembly. Liow said although Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein had explained that the kris was merely a symbol to motivate Malays, people of other races were uneasy. He explained to the BN Youth why he used the kris after last year’s Umno Youth assembly. This year, when he used it again, there was also uneasiness among the other races, although it was less. Perhaps he needs to explain more. I still get calls from people of other races, especially Chinese, who say they are uneasy with the use of the kris. As leaders, we need to understand and consider the feelings of the people on the ground, especially the other races. If I hold a Chinese sword at a wushu function it would be different than if I hold one at a political event. This was a political function, so it is seen in a different context. It can create uneasiness," he said.

Ahah .. I detect a 'missing the point' situation here. I am not a politician, neither am I an UMNO member .. just to be clear about it. The way I see it, as all of us should as well, the kris is embedded in the Constitution of Malaysia. Just look at the Malaysian emblem at the top, yes .. the yellow flag with two tigers on each side. Look closely ... (get a magnifying glass if need be .. I did) ... YES .. the are five (5) kris there. Look again at what our next Agong, HRH DYMM Sultan Mizan Zainul Abidin ibni al Marhum Sultan Mahmud of Terengganu (1962-), is holding. It ain't no wushu sword .... and he is the Agong of Malaysia, not Malay, Chinese, Indian or what have you ... In the installation of the 13th Agong, HRH DYMM Sultan Mizan will also be kissing the hilt of the royal kris, or jagged dagger.

If we are serious about the Bangsa Malaysia (at first I was gonna say my piece, but now I am going to see what fun will transpire .. ) EVERYONE calling themselves Malaysian must accept the kris .... after all we are more advanced than the Americans, they still have 'African-American', 'Chinese-American' and the like .. we don't have Chinese-Malaysian? do we ... ?? We have Bangsa Malaysia .. right ? So, perhaps
MCA Youth chief Datuk Liow Tiong Lai should hear himself when he said, 'But the National Agenda must come first. We are all Malaysians and we (non-Malays) are here to stay.' The KRIS IS a National identity!! and if the non-malays are here to stay, stay and adopt and adapt .... UMNO can hold the kris, MCA can hold the kris, MIC can hold the kris .... walk the talk, maaan ... aiyaaa .. tak tau lah ...

posted by Rozhan @ 11/27/2006 03:06:00 PM  
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