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Friday, August 12, 2005
Malaysia Robot Olympiad
Malaysia Robot Olympiad (MRO) 2005 - National Level (Peringkat Kebangsaan). This is interesting and the response of the Ministry of Education is even more so. It so happened that my son is representing his School, one of the Schools representing the Northern Region of Malaysia to the MRO.

This Olympiad is organised by Sasbadi Sdn. Bhd. The participants are the Primary and Secondary Schools of Malaysia, including Sabah & Sarawak (East Malaysia). To Sasbadi, I congratulate you on your effort and contribution to the personality building of the students. I was made to understand that the organisers also contributed RM200 to the Primary School as participants. Anyway, I have bought my fair share of Sasbadi Books for my children.

Ok now, this is organised by Sasbadi, for the Schools .. what is the role of the Ministry of Education? Very good contribution. They have given the go ahead for the Schools to participate.. and that's it. No budget given, only permission. Excellent MOE, excellent. Now the School called the parents of the four students representing the School to request for joint funding (food and bus fares) for the duration of the Olympiad (all day on the 18th of August, but they have to go a day earlier, of course). Naturally the parents were agreeable to the request .. but, you guessed it .. THAT IS NOT THE POINT!!!

This is the kind of activity the MOE should be organising AND sponsoring. This is the kind of character building that should be instilled in the students. Giving permission only is CHEAP. This is a worthwhile effort that should have strong support from the MOE. Too much money have been spent on computer labs (that I dare say WILL NOT WORK, believe me) and too little on the real activities to excite the studets. Smart School are NEVER about the computer .. and the sooner this is realised, the better. It can help, no doubt about it, but do we really know how to use it appropriately? Clever students are not created by the computer. We need creative teachers, creative activities and the environment to induce and incite innovations from the students. I leave you with with the quotes from Sam Palmisano ...

From Sam Palmisano (Global Innovation Outlook, November 2004) - 'You don't create innovation simply by increasing your R & D budget. You do it by creating an environment where innovation will fluorish' ...... Further - 'INNOVATION isn't the same as INVENTION. Innovation is a societal, not technological, phenomenon, one that arises from the intersection of invention and insight.' Aiyaa, tak tau lah ...

posted by Rozhan @ 8/12/2005 03:18:00 PM  
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