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Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Waste not on WAR
NST (1 August 2005) - Food by lorryloads is finally reaching remote northern Niger, EIGHT months after the first pleas for help for the hungry. A locust invasion last year followed by drought has left a third of the population in this already desperately poor west African nation at risk of malnutrition or worse , with children the most vulnerable - repeated UN appeals went unanswered until the situation reached crisis. These are more urgent needs - we don't need more WAR, don't need invasions, world policeman ...we need to feed the needy, wherever they are, whoever they are .... it might be US one day ...

Any spare cash ..? Maybe? If we transfer some war cost, then perhaps we have some spare cash ... what is the cost of the Iraq invasion to the United States; the bill is currently counting at $134.5 billion and increases at a rate of $177 million per day, $7.4 million per hour and $122,820 per minute (1, 2).

Deborah Rappaport, spokesperson for Project Billboard (2), added: "The Iraq conflict has already cost American taxpayers an astonishing $134.5 billion. "We feel it is vital that citizens be aware of this considerable expenditure at this important time in our nation's history. What better place than in the billboard capital of the world."

The $151.1 billion spent by the U.S. government on the war could have cut world hunger in half and covered HIV/AIDS medicine, childhood immunization and clean water and sanitation needs of the developing world for more than two years. As a factor in the oil price hike, the war has created concerns of a return to the "stagflation" of the 1970s. Already, the world's major airlines are expecting an increase in costs of $1 billion or more per month (2). Aiyaa, tak tau lah ...

posted by Rozhan @ 8/03/2005 05:03:00 PM  
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