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Friday, February 23, 2007
Nisa Games Ahead ...

NST - 23 Feb 2007 - Barring men from Nisa' Games a 'wrong move' by Sonia Ramachandran

KUALA LUMPUR: The National Women Sports Nisa’ Games 2007 in Kelantan was a good thing, but barring males from being officials and spectators was not.

That seems to be the general view of some women leaders. Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Azalina Othman Said said the ministry was happy if any organisation, whether political or non-political, wants to organise sporting events.

Azalina said having a sports culture was important and anyone wanting to organise a sports event would have her encouragement. She said women were allowed to dress the way they wanted in games organised by the government. "Even in the Nisa’ Games, some of the participants were not wearing tudung, so it’s no different from other games."

Aiyoo, among fellow women you do not have to cover up fully like you with a non-muhrim. Perhaps a visit to a religious class or text book would be beneficial!!

The Nisa’ Games, only for women, was organised by the Kelantan Pas government through its Nisa’ Club and was held on Feb 17 and 18. It had five events: Futsal, badminton, volleyball, netball and bowling. But male spectators, even relatives and male members of the Press, were not allowed. Azalina said it was unfortunate that male spectators were not allowed at the Nisa’ Games.

I would like to congratulate the organisers of the NISA GAMES and hope that it will be held EVERY YEAR, and this time on a nationwide basis.

Shame on the women leaders who did not support and their objection and reasoning is short of myopic and revealed their lack of wisdom in the matter. There is only one reason for this .. they themselves are NOT covering their 'aurat' and are therefore unable to experience the feeling of having a male in the crowd. TO THEM IT MADE NO DIFFERENCE BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT COVERED!!! Actually, opening their mouths was the wrong move .. Perhaps a Minister or leader that cover her 'aurat' would be a better choice in the future ... Aiyaa .. tak tau lah ...

posted by Rozhan @ 2/23/2007 11:24:00 PM  
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