The following excerpts are from Robert H. Schuller's book, Winning Starts with Beginning:
First Commandment ... Never reject a possibility because you see something wrong with it. Second Commandment ... Never reject a possibility because you won't get credit. Third Commandment ... Never reject an idea because it is impossible. Fourth Commandment ... Never reject a possibility because your mind is made up! Fifth Commandment ... Never reject an idea because it is illegal. Sixth Commandment ... Never reject an idea because you don't have the money, manpower or months to achieve it. Seventh Commandment ... Never reject an idea because it will create conflict. Eighth Commandment ... Never reject an idea because it is not YOUR way of doing things! Ninth Commandment ... Never reject an idea because it might fail. Tenth Commandment ... Never reject an idea because it's sure to succeed!
Have we been guilty of depriving an idea from hatching and growing because of our violation of the Commandments. There is a very fine line (as I always say ....) between Genius and Crazy. If you do something that is new and different, and it does not work or was a disaster; you are called a moron or crazy!! On the other hand if you do something that is new and different; and it WORKS, you are called a Genius. So don't worry, just go ahead and do it !! That's what makes the world go round ... aiyaa, tak tau lah ...